Sunday, December 14, 2014

Gwyneth Montenegro: Wanita yang pernah tidur dengan 10.091 pria

Mantan wanita pekerja penghibur komersil bernama Gwyneth Montenegro dari Australia mengaku pernah tidur dengan 10.091 pria. Saat masih menjadi wanita panggilan dia mematok tarif Rp 6 juta hingga Rp 12 juta per jam.
Perempuan berusia 36 tahun itu aktif di industri seks selama 12 tahun lalu memutuskan pensiun tiga tahun lalu.

Setelah bertahun-tahun menolak menjalin hubungan serius, wanita berumah di Kota Melbourne ini akhirnya memutuskan akan menikah dan tengah mencari pasangan yang cocok, seperti dilansir surat kabar the Daily Mail, Selasa (9/12).

Juli lalu dia mengungkapkan kisah hidupnya dalam sebuah buku '10 Ribu Pria dan terus bertambah'.
Setelah mengabarkan keinginannya itu kepada Daily Mail Australia dia langsung kebanjiran ribuan yang ingin melamarnya menjadi isteri dari berbagai pria mancanegara, termasuk dari Amerika Serikat, China, Turki, dan Eropa Timur.

"Saya ingin menikahi kamu. Kamu seorang perempuan pekerja keras, tak masalah apa pun yang pernah kamu lakukan," ujar seorang pengagum Montenegro.
Perempuan bertubuh seksi itu mengatakan dia enggan menjalin hubungan serius selama menjadi wanita penghibur.

Dia mengumpulkan surat-surat lamaran itu dan mengelompokkannya ke dalam dua kategori: baik dan nakal.

Ketika surat lamaran itu berisi kata-kata yang baik dan sopan dia menaruhnya di tumpukan surat 'baik' dan sebaliknya.
Montenegro mengaku dia baru menjalin hubungan asmara selama dua kali dan keduanya berakhir kurang dari setahun.
"Saya belum pernah benar-benar merasakan cinta sejati atau sangat jatuh cinta," kata dia.

'I'm keeping my options open but I want to make sure they are not nutcases': Former escort who slept with 10,000 men has been inundated with marriage proposals from around the globe (Gwyneth Montenegro)

Former escort, Gwyneth Montenegro was bombarded with more than 1,000 marriage proposals once revealing she is ready to focus her attention on one good man after bedding 10,000 male clients in her previous career.
Christmas has come early for the 36-year-old who has had a ball deciding whether the droves of admirers belonged in the naughty or nice pile.
Montenegro was gobsmacked to receive 80 marriage proposals after Daily Mail Australia first spoke with her in July about the launch of her book,10,000 Men and Counting.
But this reaction was nothing compared to the overwhelming global attention she drew when declaring it was time to settle down and put the past behind her of sleeping with 10,091 men over 12 years in a drug and alcohol induced haze.

Most of the offers, from men in countries including, the U.S, China, Turkey and parts of Eastern Europe, fell into the nice category with many saying they were impressed that she had turned her life around since leaving her seedy career three years ago.
Ms Montenegro wears many hats as a commercial pilot, an NLP Master Practitioner and, of course, now an author.
One man said 'it's not my place to judge anyone ' while another said it didn't matter to him how many men she had have slept with.
Another admirer saw her as an inspiration.
'I would marry you - you're a hard working woman not matter what you did – it doesn’t define you – your past is your past – be proud of what you achieved after you got out of the industry.'
A minority of offers were crass and rude but Montenegro has not let it get to her

But, of course it was inevitable that Montenegro received a few whacky and weird responses.
A man from India told her that he 'wanted her' because she had money and he needed to look after his family but reassured Montenegro that he would be a good husband. 
'I thought "wow - he really knows how to woo a girl!",' she laughed.

Another romantic insisted she would have no choice but to take his surname. 
'I think you are beautiful and brave I would love for you to be my wife and a mother to my children,' he said.
'I do have one demand - not a request but a demand – I want you to change your name – sorry if you don’t like that but life itself is unfair.'
Montenegro laughed before saying ’ahhh that will be a no’ and then promptly placing the request in the naughty pile.

One of the most crass responses that she received was from a man who  commented on her genitalia. 'Seeing as your vagina cavity is the size of a human head – at least – you will be the one having to pay this time for true love.'
She has received a lot of support from women who are angered by these ignorant type of remarks from men. 
'I've had some men talk about a certain part of my anatomy being stretched,' she said. 
'A lot of women hit back saying "Go back to antamony class - we push out babies".'
Fortunately, Montenegro does not take the offensive remarks to heart and it has not put her off the dating game.
'I don't normally take much notice of haters,' she said. 
But the question remains will she follow up on any of the endless flattering offers?
'It's too early to tell but there are some cute ones in there, so I'm keeping my options open,' she admitted.
'I'm going to take my time - a lot seem fairly genuine but i want to keep a fairly low profile and make sure they are not nutcases.' 

The overwhelming response to the insight into her former seedy lifestyle in July got Gwyneth thinking that maybe she was ready to meet a good man.
This is something she never felt comfortable doing when being paid $500 to $1000 an hour to have sex with well-known lawyers, politicians and musicians.
'It awoke something within me when the article was published - not that I'm in a rush to be married,' she said.
'There were some working in the industry who were dating people and married but for me personally I didn't find it appropriate.'
'I found it easier to avoid relationships during my time in the industry. The two just don't mix. I tried it once, it was an utter disaster.'

Since leaving her old life behind three years ago, Ms Montenegro wears many hats as a commercial pilot, an NLP Master Practitioner and, of course, now an author.
'I was a little over men at that point in time of my life and found my businesses infinitely more stimulating,' she said.

But Gwyneth is now ready and raring to give the dating game a go.
'My parents didn't get married until their late 30s and they have been married for 33 years,' she said.

Despite growing up in a contrast world being raised by devout Christians, her parents are her number one supporters.

'Mum joked that she thought I would have had enough of men by now,' she laughed. 
Ms Montenegro said the years of men paying her for sex gave her a good insight into what men want from a woman.

'Clients would confide in me about the good and bad parts of their relationship,' she said.
'I feel I have a deeper understanding of men than ever before.' 
Writing the book was a therapeutic experience that helped Gwyneth to discover her true self and become comfortable with it - as she describes herself as the 'girl next door'.
'I'm fairly introverted and conservative,' she said. 'I'm the last person my friends ever expected to have lived that kind of life.'

Gwyneth fell into the escort world after she was gang-raped during a night-out at a club at just 18 years-old when her low self-esteem and lust for money led her to table top dancing before heading into sex work.

After dabbling in the online dating game and deciding it wasn't for her, she believes that relationships should evolve organically.
'I believe in the energy I put out there I will get back,' she explains.
Gwyneth has only ever been in two relationships before that lasted about a year.
'I’m contemplating it, I’d love to. I’ve never really experienced what you’d consider true love or what it’s like to be totally in love.' 

She is now a woman who well and truly knows what she is looking for.
'I can be a handful, I am headstrong and determined. I like a man who is calmly confident, in charge, but not bombastically so,' she said.

'I’ve spent a lifetime looking after my body and I respect that in any potential partner. 
'He certainly doesn’t have to be a model or a muscle bound fireman, I’d give preference to a fun personality any day.'

Gwyneth's former life, which involved blowing tens of thousands of dollars on a new car, clothes and cocaine, has sparked interest from Hollywood with Gywneth in secret negotiations with a famous producer.

'I can't say at the moment but everyone would know who she is - it is most likely going to happen,' she said. 
'It's quite a long process but we should know this month or the next.'



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