Saturday, June 22, 2013

Why We were In Vietnam?

by Alan Brinkley
Published, September 7, 2012
Vietnamese soldiers during the battle of Dien Bien Phu, 1954.
During the Casablanca conference in January 1943, Franklin Roosevelt spoke bitterly to his son about European imperialism: “Don’t think for a moment, Elliott, that Americans would be dying in the Pacific tonight if it hadn’t been for the shortsighted greed of the French and the British and the Dutch.” Earlier, he had spoken openly to the White House correspondents: “There has never been, there isn’t now and there never will be, any race of people on earth fit to serve as masters over their fellow men. We believe that any nationality, no matter how small, has the inherent right to its own nationhood.” That was the core of the Atlantic Charter in 1941, which both Churchill and Roosevelt signed. It called on “the right of all peoples to choose the form of government under which they will live.”

Four years later, with the war over and Roosevelt dead, the new president entered office knowing little about how his predecessor saw the future of the world. Harry Truman ignored the anticolonial passages of the Atlantic Charter (just as Churchill did) and supported the continuation of imperialism among the great powers — a decision that helped the French government to restore its hold on the empire. That included its lost colony: Vietnam. Over time, that decision led to what George F. Kennan once called “the most disastrous of all America’s undertakings over the whole 200 years of its history.”
Fredrik Logevall’s excellent book “Choosing War” (1999) chronicled the American escalation of the Vietnam War in the early 1960s. With “Embers of War,” he has written an even more impressive book about the French conflict in Vietnam and the beginning of the American one — from the end of World War II to the beginning of the second Vietnam War in 1959. It is the most comprehensive history of that time. Logevall, a professor of history at Cornell University, has drawn from many years of previous scholarship as well as his own. And he has produced a powerful portrait of the terrible and futile French war from which Americans learned little as they moved toward their own engagement in Vietnam. 

Logevall begins with the efforts of Ho Chi Minh, who spent his life trying to bring independence to his country. He fought alongside Americans in the battle against Japan during World War II, and he hoped to build an independent Vietnamese nation with American support. But since Ho’s Viet Minh party was both nationalist and Communist, American support in the deepening cold war was impossible. By 1946, Ho was already planning for a war to drive the French out. But the weak and frequently changing French governments had other ideas. They set out to restore Vietnam as a colony of France, and they did so with the financial help of the United States. The French insisted that without Vietnam their economy would collapse. But they wanted more than money. They wanted to secure what they considered the greatness of “eternal France,” which included its colonial enterprises. 

The French campaign was a long and ugly conflict that lasted almost a decade. It reached its apex in 1954 at Dien Bien Phu, a remote area surrounded by hills in the North, where the French believed they could “withstand any kind of attack the Viet Minh are capable of launching.” The long siege of Dien Bien Phu could have gone either way, but the French underestimated the power of the Viet Minh and lost. By the end, 110,000 French troops were dead — about twice the number of American deaths in the second Vietnam War. Approximately 200,000 Viet Minh soldiers were killed, along with 125,000 civilians. By 1955, the French had left Vietnam for good, abandoning what they had once considered the jewel of their empire. 

Logevall is not only skilled at describing the war. He is also adept at explaining the diplomacy of Vietnam during the 1950s. There was internal disagreement during the Geneva Conference of 1954 about what role the United States should play once the French left. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles (who participated in the convention only briefly) believed that America should take the place of the French and continue the war. But Eisenhower, who understood what battle was like, refused to send American troops into Vietnam. Instead, he agreed with others at the Geneva Conference to partition the country — leaving the North under the government of Ho Chi Minh and the Viet Minh, and the South under Ngo Dinh Diem, an aristocratic Catholic who hoped to create a Western regime with strong ties to the United States. In 1956, there were to be elections to reunite the country under a single government — elections that never took place. 

In the meantime, each side would withdraw its troops from the territory of the other. But both sides could leave behind their supporters to work (presumably peacefully) for victory in the coming elections. That meant that while the Viet Minh had to remove its troops from the South, it did not have to take out its “cadres,” its cells of political supporters. They would soon become the guerrilla soldiers who began attacks on the Diem regime.  

Eisenhower has long been admired for his refusal to go to war in Vietnam. But Logevall makes clear that he was far from a peacekeeper. He did not want to send American troops into Vietnam, but he was also determined not to allow South Vietnam to fall. For a time, Diem seemed a powerful and successful leader, able to stop any efforts by the Viet Minh to conquer the South. And for a time, Diem was a hero to Americans — revered by leaders in Washington and by much of the American public. But the more success he had, the more resolved Ho was to undermine him. By 1959, Viet Minh soldiers were infiltrating the South and escalating the violence in South Vietnam. When Eisenhower left office, there were about 1,000 American “advisers” (almost all of them military men), with many more to come. 

North Vietnam’s goal of uniting the nation faced obstacles of its own. It was hampered by Ho’s harsh and unpopular land reform, which he ultimately abandoned. It was damaged by the many Northerners who fled — among them Vietnamese Catholics — fearing they would be persecuted if they stayed. Even so, the Viet Minh continued, slowly and cautiously, to create a military in the South that would fight against the most powerful nation in the world. As early as 1957, while Diem was still popular, reporters discovered that 452 village officials had died in one year, assassinated by Viet Minh leaders who took charge in their place. It was only the beginning of the unraveling of the South. 

Bernard Fall — a highly respected historian of the struggle over Vietnam — once commented on the futility of the two wars. The Americans, he said, were “dreaming different dreams than the French but walking in the same footsteps.” In 1959, there weren’t many in Washington who imagined they would make the same mistakes the French had made. For a time the Americans believed they could stabilize the new South Vietnam. But only a few years later, they slowly began to realize that they were entering their own quagmire.

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